نظام التناضح العكسي للمياه المالحة والتجارية

تقوم بيكوا بتصنيع ودمج نظام معالجة المياه بتكنولوجيا التناضح العكسي للمياه المتوسطة و العالية الملوحة، لجميع تطبيقات معالجة المياه الصناعية والتجارية. نظم التناضح العكسي لدينا هي التي شنت على جرافة التي تشمل أيضا مرشحات الميديا وأنظمة الحقن الكيميائي إذا لزم الأمر. لدينا محطات تسليم مفتاح للمياه المالحة مجهزة تجهيزا كاملا مع لوحة التحكم، والأجهزة، فلتر خرطوشة، مضخة الضغط العالي، وعناصر غشاء والهاوسينج. لدينا نظام التناضح العكسي المياه المالحة قادر على إزالة جميع الملوثات من المياه الملوثة بغض النظر عن تطبيق معالجة المياه. خط بيكوا من أنظمة التناضح العكسي للمياه المالحة متوفرة في مجموعة واسعة من القدرات التي تلبي احتياجاتك. شركتنا مدعومة من فريق قوي من مهندسي المبيعات التقنية، الفنيين و متخصصين معالجة المياه. موظفينا سوف يقوموا بمساعدتكم خلال مرحلة الاستفسار، التصميم والتشغيل. بدءا من إرسال لك العرض الفني الصحيح لتكليف ودعم ما بعد البيع. وقد تم تصميم جميع أنظمة معالجة المياه لدينا بما في ذلك أنظمة المياه التناضح العكسي لمعالجة المياه العالية الملوحة للابار وغيرها من قبل متخصصين في معالجة المياه المعتمدة فيي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وتصنيعها من قبل المهندسين والفنيين المدربين تدريبا عاليا داخل مؤسستنا. نظام ومحطات بيكوا هي الحل الامثل والصحيح لمشكلة المياه الصعبة الخاصة بك. محطات معالجة المياه لدينا مخصصة بالكامل لتلبية احتياجات معالجة المياه الخاصة بك وبالتأكيد السعة الخاصة بك. نقدم لكم خيارات للاختيار بين مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات في مختلف الأسعار بعد الحفاظ على جودة وأداء نظام المحطة. نحن نهتم بعملائنا وهم رأس مالنا، وهدفنا هو إعطاءهم حلا بتكلفة معقولة .

 محطات بيكوا لمعالجة المياه المتوسطة و العالية الملوحة بنظام التناضح العكسي هي الحل الصحيح للعديد من الصناعات. مثل شركات الأدوية، الأغذية والمشروبات، النفط والغاز، الفنادق والمنتجعات، الالكترونيات وأكثر من ذلك بكثير. تقوم بيكوا بتصنيع نظام التناضح العكسي ليدوم مدى الحياة. ونحن نولي اهتماما للتفاصيل واستخدام أعلى المنتجات في شراكة مع كبار الشركات في مجال معالجة المياه. كل محطة معالجة مياه بالتناضح العكسي تترك منشأة بيكوا جاهزة للتشغيل لعقود، خالية من المتاعب. جميع أنظمة التناضح العكسي مجهزة مع الفلاتر والمضخات والأغشية والأدوات وأدلة التشغيل.

bqua water industries oil and gas

Water Treatment Oil and Gas

Purpose of Reverse Osmosis Systems is to support and help treatment of oil contaminated water to recover petroleum oils that are found in water bodies at several stations.

  • Free non-emulsified oils
  • Emulsified oils and stable in the water
  • Insoluble solids

The principles of the separation, recovery and water treatment oil and gas depends on characteristics and properties of these oils; the nature and existence, solid materials and non-emulsified oils are physically separated while emulsified oils are chemically separated. Finally, small emulsions and organic dissolved material which were not treated with previous means are being treated biologically.

Stages and methods for water treatment oil and gas
Contaminated water are being processed by three phases depending on the method of processing which are:

  • Physical treatment
  • Chemical processing treatment
  • Biological treatment stage

Physical treatment

Solid matters and non-emulsified oils are separated based on the principle of gravity, where design breaks is returned to the American Petroleum Institute, which the design depends on the principle of the difference in density between the water and oils properties, whether free or solid. Free oils float on the surface of the water and taken by a certain abrasive raze to a special hole to be returned again after layering to the production lines while the solid matters settle at the bottom of these basins are taken through a private in the form of sludge sockets to private places where follow up treatment and disposal.

Chemical processing treatment

Emulsified oils can not be separated physically so it needs to be separated chemically which allows to remove the case of emulsification and stability emerging between oil and water in the middle surrounding the second phase.

Where external water are brought from external basins after adding some coagulated materials such as iron sulfate which is less expensive than other coagulated materials and because they in fact do two jobs.

Forms (after oxidation by dissolved oxygen moiety) hydroxide compound of iron gelatin textures and surface, which has a capacity that helps adsorption of emulsified oil droplets on the surface and the air with the help of the dissolved.

The addition of iron sulfate helps in getting rid of hydrogen sulfide gas dissolved and compounds which may be contained with oily water, which have seriously damaged the subsequent biological treatment work, where the presence of iron sulfide is a moiety with ion iron deposit is a black iron sulfide.

After the formation of the raw material adsorption (ferric hydroxide) a polymer is added with high molecular weights that carries an electric positive charge on the surface collects iron hydroxide particles on the surface compounds the problem so volumes and surfaces wide capable of dissolved air flotation, which will inject later assisted.

Complete chemical treatment of so-called phase flotation stage, a very important and very critical stage in the improvement of the final specifications for water treatment and symbolized by the acronym of the dissolved air flotation.

The principle of this method depends on the density change problem solids by adding the previous chemicals by joining the air bubbles injected by a private network at the bottom of the tub to the surfaces of these pendants and its contribution to the expansion of the relative surfaces and thus reduce the intensity of which will allow its flotation.

In other words, what is meant by flotation in fact is the updraft of adsorption materials that will contribute to the adsorption of emulsified oil droplets at the same time also pick up solid natural pendants which we call water turbidity collected on the surface of the flotation tanks.

Then to be taken by a special raze gathered in private protectors called flotation sludge pit.

Biological treatment stage

Emerging from the flotation stage water enters the biological treatment providers basins mechanical mixers are secure ventilation of these basins and providing oxygen required for processes of oxidation where this method is the most common and successful way in converting organic material, whether decadent or sizes minutes impossible separated previous stages to non-material decadent through oxidized by microorganisms (bacteria) that are converted via vital metabolism to carbon dioxide and to new microorganisms called bacterial midwife to be placed at the bottom attached to the biological reactors settling basins and described in the third stage in the scheme.

Many of the microorganisms can feed on organic material dissolved or suspended and disassembled condition of maintaining the appropriate conditions of her life and, in particular, needs oxygen.

And measured the water content of organic material degradable bacteria, including the requirement we call organic oxygen: BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand.

This standard represents the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria to represent this organic material and can be called organic pregnancy basin biological When this pregnancy is fairly low and if there is sufficient tracts of land are designed in this case the biological basins Allagoonat system or open pits where believes bacteria which need oxygen directly from the natural air.

But if the high organic load must in this case from those basins oxygen supply mechanical means which are periodically required to secure for the entire basin ventilation.

Industrial Water Treatment

[:en]Water Treatment Industries - Oil and Gas - Reverse Osmosis System[:]

Water is one of the most essential elements for the majority of industries. There are mainly three known forms of water; raw water, wastewater and process water. The need for water treatment is substantial before entering the process to attain a certain water quality and properties. This is in order to consolidate the industrial water treatment operation as effectively as possible in all the water treatment industries. The purpose of the industrial water treatment process is to assure that the water being processed will not harm or cause any damage to the equipment.

Moreover, a lot of water treatment industries use the water treatment process to produce clean and pure processed water in large amounts. Examples of these water treatment industries are oil and gas, food and beverage, hydroponics and agriculture, electronics and semiconductors, boiler makeup water, cooling towers, mining, car wash, chemical processing, power plant, bottling, pharmaceuticals, shrimp and fish farms, food processing, hotels and resorts, laboratory ultrapure water, etc. The objective of the industrial water treatment process is to recycle wastewater to a certain elevated degree. Subsequently lessening the water consumption and hence water pollution which in return will lead to cost reduction when the water is reused. Eventually, wastewater has to be treated in order to meet the environmental standards. Before either being released to the sewer systems or to be reused and fed back into the industrial operation.

BQUA has knowledge and expertise in the industrial water treatment field. As a leading water treatment systems manufacturer we strive to provide solutions to the toughest industrial water treatment challenges. With a mixture of advanced applied water technology, precision engineering and top of the notch designs and implementation of reverse osmosis water treatment systems. We design and engineer water treatment systems for all water treatment industries and applications. We supply water treatment systems, multimedia filters, cartridge filter housings, water treatment chemicals and innovative engineered solutions for raw water and recycled water to guarantee desired quality is attained. “Our knowledge and expertise are as broad as your needs”

Water Treatment Industries


Water Treatment Industries - Oil and Gas - Reverse Osmosis System

Oil and Gas

Reverse Osmosis System - Water Treatment Industries - Agriculture


water treatment agriculture hydroponics


Water Treatment Hotel Resorts Reverse Osmosis System

Hotels and Resorts

Water Treatment Food Processing - Reverse Osmosis System

Food and Beverage Processing

Shrimp and Fish Farm - Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis System

Shrimp and Fish Farm

Reverse Osmosis System for mining Industry - Water Treatment


Water Treatment Semiconductor Industry - reverse osmosis system


Water Treatment Pharmaceutical Plant - Reverse Osmosis System
